TKP Conference Center Raffles Place
55 Market Street #03‐01, #09‐02 Singapore 048941
Time and Date:
Day 1: November 5th (Wed) 10:00 - 16:00
Day 2: November 19th (Wed) 10:00 - 16:00
55 Market Street #03‐01, #09‐02 Singapore 048941 TKP Conference Center Raffles Place
Capacity: 20 attendees
Now that you have learned the basics of web analytics, why not considering our advanced course?
The role of the discipline of consulting on web analytics does not end in areas such as data-driven planning, effectiveness of mobile reach and social media measurement. It can be developed further with our extended and systematic learning curriculum
■Day 1. Web Analytics Strategy
<Analysis of current situation>
・Communication design
・Qualitative information gathering
・Project forum
・Web marketing analysis
<Business modeling and new measures>
・Understanding user communication
・Organization role
・Business positioning
・Definition of new measures
・KPI examples from 4 websites
・Three perspectives for KPI definition
<Web analytics by design>
・Extent of data acquisition
・Conversion definition
・Four steps to choose the right tools
・Information security and web analytics
・Multi-device analysis
・Definition of social media analysis
・Defining five essential tools in advance
・Hearing sheet for web analysis
<Web marketing plan>
・Three types of planning integration methods
Comments and time-limited practical analysis
<Report design>
・Definition of reporting items
・Definition of agenda
・Freehand sketching
<Time-schedule definition>
・Calendar example
・Observation of daily progress
・Daily use of auxiliary functions in favor of regular observation
・Observation of weekly progress
・Summary of weekly progress
<Time-series analysis>
・Six points for daily analysis
・Effective timely analysis
<Comment writing>
・Daily/Timely analysis (practice)
・Observation of daily progress
・Summary of monthly progress
<Reporting challenges>
・Web marketing plan
Creation of plan to turn a money-losing business into a profitable organization in six months. Two sets in A3 paper size submitted to instructor prior 2nd day of training.
・Access analysis report
■Day 2. Discovery based on analysis and methods for improvement
<Feedback session>
Feedback of report assignment at end of day 1
Data-driven discoveries
<Basic web analysis>
・Four faces of basic web analysis
・Examples of user analysis
・No-referrer. Challenges and solutions
・Search engines. Their market share and challenges.
・Understanding user value from referrers
・Social media measurement example
・Focus on search phrases
・Finding winning keywords
・Challenges of the browsing start page
・Start pages and what to fix for increased efficiency
・Improving linear design
・Improving other, most navigated pages on website
<Custom-tracking based analysis>
・Campaign evaluation by parameters
・Measurement using event handlers
・A/B Testing
<Analysis by user experience>
・Thinking from concept diagram
・Customer modeling in goal perspective
・Multi-device, off-line analysis modeling
・Customer definition data modeling with web analytics
<Micro Analysis>
・Alternative ways of user profiling analysis
・Host/Organization analysis
・Business development through micro analysis
・Examples of micro analysis
・Three stances of micro analysis
How is it to be an advanced web analytics consultant?
<Duties of the senior consultant>
・Certification application flow
・Rights and responsibilities
・Information sharing and support
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